Ehlers-Danlos mama trying not to twist things up *too* much!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wheels for One of Us

After many straight days of migraine, I finally woke up headache-free this morning. Score!!

Puggles' wheelchair was delivered this morning--it's adorable. Odd description of a wheelchair? Perhaps, but please remember this is the wheelchair of my 2 year old daughter. Even the name is cute: the Convaid "Cuddlebug." Cute as it is, the damn thing is heavy. There's no way I'm getting it in or out of the car any time soon, if ever. We could really use an adaptive van, but there's no way that's happening any time soon. It's a good thing Cam is strong.

I used to be the strong one. (Sigh.) Even a year or so ago, I could throw the Monster over my shoulder and carry him up the stairs. When Atiyyah was alive, I used to carry him, his ventilator, his go-bag. Now, I struggle to carry Puggles and she's a peanut at 16 pounds.

EDS has not been kind to me these past few years. I am afraid of what the next decade holds for me. If (or more realistically, when) I do end up in a wheelchair, let's hope I get one as nice as the Cuddlebug.

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